Crack Machines

ALFING is a pioneer in the development of process and technologies in the field of fracture fitting.

Crack Machines

Fracture Splitting of Bearing Caps

ALFING has pioneered the development of the fracture splitting process for bearing caps on motor blocks. As early as 2003, the first worldwide, fully automatic cracking machine for a 6 cyclinder truck engine was delivered.

Crack and Assembly Modules

ALFING Crack and Assembly Modules were specially developed for the fracture splitting and assembly of connecting rods with low and medium size production requirements. The manually loaded machine with its modular design allows free process flow.

Rotary Table Assembly Machine

Rotary Table machines from Alfing are the optimal solution for the fracture splitting and assembly of connecting rods. Shortest cycle times guarantee high productivity. The modular design allows the realization of different process steps within the machine.